Monday, September 30, 2002

Morning Roll Call: Issue 101
"During my days running professional engineering services for a Department of Defense consultancy, we used daily "stand-up" meetings during the (harried) proposal preparation process. Here, the idea was to make the meetings as brief as possible (hence the standup part -- no getting comfortable in a big chair). The meetings were designed to quickly keep everyone informed of progress, to highlight any problems, and to provide cross-team collaboration.

"As you'll see from reading David's article (and references on SCRUM), these types of meetings can have very beneficial effects on a development project."

--Jon Kern

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Agile Software Development Methods: Review and Analysis

Abrahasson, Pekka et al. Agile software development: Review and Analysis. ESPOO 2002, VTT Publications 478. 107p.

Keywords: Software development, agile processes, agile methods, extreme programming, agile modelling, open source software development, software project management

Abstract: Agile--denoting "the quality of being agile; readiness for motion, nimbleness, activity, dexterity in motion"--software development methods are attempting to offer an answer to the eager business community asking for lighter weight along with faster and nimbler sofware development processes. This is especially the case with the rapidly growing and volatile Internet software industry as well as for the emerging mobile application environment. The new agile methods have evoked a substantial amount of literature and debates. However, academic research on the subject is still scarce, as most of existing publications are written by practitioners or consultants.

The aim of this publication is to begin filling this gap by systematically reviewing the existing literature on agile sofware development methodologies. This publication has three purposes. First, it proposes a definition and a classification of agile software development approaches. Second, it analyses ten sotware development methods that can be characterized as being "agile" against the defined criteria. Third, it compares these methods and highlights their similarities and differences. Based on this analysis, future research needs are identified and discussed.

Sunday, September 22, 2002

Agile User Groups

There are user groups springing up around the Agile Alliance focused on improving development processes along the lines of the Agile Manifesto. I attended the New England Agile User Group on Thursday, 18 September, and a good time was had by all. Ken Schwaber's comments provide a summary of the meeting.

There is also a new user group in Calgary: Calgary Agile Methods User Group (CAMUG)